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We only post positions within the 3D arena that are likely to fit you and your skill set. So if you're tired of the big job boards, try 3Dgate. Updated weekly.

Career development ideas, résumé tips, techniques for effective job hunting from 3D industry experts. Updated monthly.

A comprehensive listing of resources that help you make the most of your 3D experience. Not a hiring list, 3D Resources represents the best collection of tools, talent, and example projects from the 3D community that you're likely to find on the web.

Post A Job
Make 3Dgate.com part of your recruiting strategy. Post jobs in real time. Profile your company. The right candidates are out there; 3Dgate helps you find them.

A comprehensive, global listing of 3D studios. These firms are not necessarily hiring, but they're doing the kind of 3D work we believe you'll be interested in.

What's the difference between radiosity and raytracing? Between HTML and SGML? This regularly updated list of words and acronyms contains the technical language most 3D artisans use. Feedback and submissions invited.

Get the degree or certificate in 3D studies you need to succeed. These schools and universities, divided into various geographic regions, offer courses in 3D art, animation, web design, films, and more.